Situated in Esperance, Western Australia, Pyramid Lake is Cohiba’s Gypsum Project
Cohiba Minerals Limited holds (100%) exploration licence E74/594, which covers all of Pyramid Lake in south-western Western Australia, for a total of 11,266 hectares or 112.66 km2. Pyramid Lake is a salt-lake covering 6,632 hectares located 115 kilometres northwest of the town of Esperance on the northern limit of the agricultural area (Figure 1 – from Hydrominex).

Hydrominex Geoscience Consulting completed a resource report in August 2018 in which it issued a maiden gypsum resource statement. The maiden Indicated Resource comprises 1.3 Mt at 78% gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O), including Grade 1 and Premium gypsum within the central resource area, and an Inferred Resource containing 2.6 Mt at 67% gypsum, meeting Grade 2 agricultural requirements.
Sampling and analysis at Pyramid Lake confirmed the gypsum has concentrations of impurities Na, Cl, Pb and Cd significantly lower than the requirements for agricultural gypsum. The gypsum has 78% of material < 2 mm, with >80% of gypsum in this sub-2 mm size range in the higher Grade 1 and Premium gypsum material. The Pyramid Lake deposit has the potential to produce significant volumes of Grade 2 (> 67% CaSO4.2H2O) material with areas of Grade 1 (>80.6% CaSO4.2H2O) and Premium (>90% CaSO4.2H2O) material.
Cohiba has engaged consultants to produce a Mining Operations Plan (MOP), a Mining Lease (ML) application and a Mine Closure Plan as part of the company’s strategy to commence processing operations on site with sales of product into the WA agricultural sector.